The circulation of transport technology: The first Latin American underground
Vortragsreihe "Wissensproduktion und Kulturtransfer im transregionalen Kontext"
Understanding urban transport technology as a socio-material assemblage, Dr. Dhan Zunino Singh (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes) will approach the construction of Buenos Aires’s underground line, built by a British company, from a transnational history to highlight the relation between the global circulation of knowledge, technologies, experts, money, and its local territorialization. From a peripheral position he will discuss how the city consumed technologies and knowledge already applied in European and American cities but also how it modelled something new according to local needs, political context, and cultural representations.
© Archivo General de la Nación
Termin und Ort
Donnerstag, 14.3.2019
17.00 Uhr
Englisch / English
Weitere Informationen
Vortragsreihe "Wissensproduktion und Kulturtransfer im transregionalen Kontext"