Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Three gables

Organigram and Contact

DIRECTOR'S OFFICEOffice ManagementCENTRAL SERVICESLIBRARYMedia DepartmentLibrary Services DepartmentDigital Library DepartmentCountry DepartmentsRESEARCHSpecial Collections, Papers & ManuscriptsResearch and Publications DepartmentPUBLIC RELATIONS AND CULTURAL MANAGEMENTOrganizational chart and contact info

For contact details, please, click the desired department in the organizational chart (or contact list) or refer to the flyer for the short version with map.

Ibero-American Institute - Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
Potsdamer Str. 37
D-10785 Berlin

2021 || Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz