Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Photomontage of the IAI's reading room

Supporters’ Circle of the IAI

The image shows the stage of the Simón Bolívar Hall.

The Association "Förderkreis des Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts Preußischer Kulturbesitz zu Berlin e.V." was founded in April 2000 in order to support the work of the institute. The Förderkreis has enriched the institute's cultural offerings with a variety of events, including talks about cultural and political issues, films, lectures and homages. In addition to that, the association enabled the institute to purchase rare books and expand its library collections. It has also helped finance important publications and larger events. Thanks to the association’s ongoing funding, the IAI has been able to set up the first comprehensive collection of Latin American film in Germany (IAI film collection). The Förderkreis also created a blog (www.foerderkreis-des-iai.org).

Become a member of the Association Förderkreis des IAI!

Annual membership dues are € 35, for students € 15. Please send an e-mail to
or call +49 30 266 45 1500 in order to receive membership documents.

You can click the following links to download the information about the association, the association's membership form or the statutes. (Documents are currently only available in German.)

For more information about upcoming events visit our blog.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Bremer (first chairman, Halle), Luis Kliche Navas (executive chairman, Berlin), Thomas Hegenauer (treasurer, Berlin), Prof Dr. Stephanie Schütze (secretary, Berlin), Dr. Jeanette Erazo Heufelder (München), Prof. Dr. Barbara Göbel (ex officio, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Gabriele Knauer (Berlin), Christoph G. Schmitt (Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze (Cologne), Peter B. Schumann (Berlin), Dr. Max Meier (Potsdam), Dr. Claudia Zilla (Berlin)

Honorary Committee

Sergio Ramírez (president, Nicaragua), Bernardo Carvalho (Brazil), Gloria Chicote (Argentina), Carlos Franz (Chile), Rosa Montero (Spain), Leonardo Padura (Cuba), Miguel Rubio (Peru), Beatriz Sarlo (Argentina), Antonio Skármeta (Chile), Silvia Spitta (Peru/United States), Juan Villoro (Mexico), Liliana Weinberg (Argentina/Mexico)

2021 || Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz