Prof. Dr. Nikolai Grube

E-Mail: ngrube(at)

Tel.: +49 228-734412

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Universität Bonn
Abteilung für Altamerikanistik
Oxfordstr. 15
53111 Bonn

Academic career

Born 1962 in Bonn, Studies of American Anthropology, Ethnology, Orientalism and Indology in Hamburg. Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation. 1989 Phd in Hamburg. After the Phd change-over to Bonn and in cooperation with the Roemer- and Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim organization of the exhibition “The world of the Maya” (Hildesheim, Wien, Mannheim, Cologne). 1992-1995 Scholarship for the postdoctoral lecture qualification  of the German Research Foundation for the project oral traditions of the Cruzoob-Maya in Mexico and several research projects in Guatemala, Mexiko, Belize and Honduras. Substitution of professorships in Freiburg and Leiden. 1999 postdoctoral lecture qualification in Ethnology in Bonn and in the same year Heisenberg scholarship of the German Research Foundation. 2000-2004 tenant of the Linda Sche­le Chair at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Aus­tin.

Field research

  • Current project: “Two Early Clas­sic Maya mu­rals: new texts and ima­ges in Maya and Teo­ti­huacan style from La Suf­ri­ca­ya, Petén, Gua­te­ma­la"- further information
  • 1990, 1991, 1995-today: Expeditions which lasted several weeks tot he Petén-district in Guatemala to save and document hieroglyph inscriptions;
  • 1984, 1986-1998, 2001: Anually several research trips to Señor and Tixcacal Guardia, Quintana Roo and the Cayo-District in Belize to investigate the history of the yucatec Maya;
  • Recording of oral traditions, research about genres of verbal art to investigate oral traditions (altogether 20 month);
  • 1987-1993, 1998: Research in Copán, Honduras for a conjoint investigation with David Stuart and Linda Schele;
  • 1989-1992, 1994, 1995: "Pro­ject Epi­gra­pher" at the Ca­ra­col-Pro­ject, Be­li­ze (leaded by Arlen and Diane Chase) (every year one month);

Other activity

Coeditor of „Mexicon“; Academic advisor to Arqueología Mexicana; Realization of annual seminars about history of the maya for maya organizations in Antigua, Guatemala and collaboration with Ox­la­ju­uj Keej Maya Ajtz'iib'; Research associate and advisor of the special exhibition “the world of the maya” at the Roemer- and Pelizaeus Museum, Hildesheim; Academic consultancy for TV and radio features; Organisation of the “Maya Meetings” and the 3rd Sibley Conference with the topic "Al­te­red Sta­tes of Con­scious­ness" at the University of Texas, Austin

Besides from the University of Cologne, the following Universities participate in the Research Network: