Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Preussischer Kulturbesitz

The figures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Information on Planning Events

The Ibero-American Institute (IAI) organizes a wide range of cultural and academic events, including readings, lectures, discussions, symposia, conferences, film screenings, concerts and exhibitions. Common to all is their focus on the worlds of Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula, both past and present. In addition to promoting cultural exchange and scholarly debate, the program of events aims to introduce the IAI's collections, interdisciplinary research projects and publication activities to a broad public. With its annual focuses, the institute takes up topics and developments in Ibero-America, exploring them from different angles and in various formats.

Third-party proposals can be considered if the suggested events have a clear regional and thematic connection to the IAI's work and meet applicable quality standards. The question of viability is also important, with respect to both the project's financial foundations and the IAI's infrastructure, staffing and technical capacities. Please allow for sufficient time to plan, launch and promote the event.

Further, the IAI generally does not undertake benefits, promotional events or tourism marketing, events marking national holidays, or book or dissertation presentations. Stage size and the lack of professional stage and lighting equipment place considerable limits on theatrical and dance productions. The IAI does not organize art or handicrafts exhibitions that are not clearly related to its thematic focus. Sculptures, oil paintings and acrylic works cannot be shown since the IAI lacks a professional exhibition space, appropriate lighting and guards.

Regular program meetings are held to consider relevant event proposals. Decisions are based on the submitted materials, which should be as informative as possible (music samples for concerts; concept description and catalog/selected images for exhibitions; books/excerpts for readings; the resumes of all participants/artists, etc.). Since the IAI receives a large number of inquiries, a six-month planning period is advisable.

Due to capacity constraints, we can hold only a limited number of events each quarter. To ensure a balanced program, we also limit the number of available slots in each category. Unfortunately, we cannot accept additional events beyond the assigned number.

If you would like to make an event proposal, please contact:

Diana v. Römer
Kristin Wolter

Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kulturmanagement
Potsdamer Straße 37
D-10785 Berlin
E-Mail: programm@iai.spk-berlin.de
Tel.: +49 30 266 45 4311
Tel.: +49 30 266 45 4312

2021 || Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz