Sub-project Bielefeld: Ethnicity and Global Education as Subjects of School Teaching

The aim of the sub-project Bielefeld in 2014-2016 is to develop educational material based on the research results on ethnicities in pluricultural societies in Latin America. The expertise of the Research Network is used to support school teachers with their class preparation by providing well-founded material that has been proven in practice. Besides the focus on ethnicity, the issues will be concerned with multicultural societies, migration processes, intercultural learning and colonialism, using the Americas as a frame of reference. Based on the pedagogic principles of Global Education, the material offers teachers the possibility to catch up on the latest research results as well as on the historically developed backgrounds of these topics.
The main focus in 2010-2014 was the analysis of ethnically charged discourses and how these discourses are turned into subjects of concepts of social order as well as how the conflicts in the political arena are shaped by the elected forms of representation in this context. Based on a broad comprehension of policy ethnic semantics – their political and cultural representation as well as how they are charged and instrumentalised – were examined by means of the three categories ethnicity, citizenship and belonging in the context of socio-political processes of negotiation in colonial as well as in post-colonial times.

Staff member

Student assistant

Postal address

Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika
Teilprojekt Bielefeld
Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft und Philosophie
Universität Bielefeld
Postfach 100131
33501 Bielefeld

Besides from the University of Cologne, the following Universities participate in the Research Network: